Video sharing with a limited number of views
Directlinks often contain sensitive information such as unreleased movies or TV films. Especially here it is of enormous importance that you keep full control over your data. One component for secure sharing of movies and films can be the number of possible views. The value is set when the Directlink is created and specifies how often a link can be viewed.
We distinguish between personalized Directlinks where Webgate sends the invitation and each user receives his own link, and self send Directlinks, where one and the same link is created for several users.
If a person is invited via with a personalized Directlink, with for example three possible views, the invitee can open the link once on the smartphone, iPad and laptop. After that, all views are blocked. The invitee can watch the film multiple times in the same session on the identical device.
The maximum limit also applies to self send Directlinks, but does not differentiate between the users. No matter who accesses the link, every view counts. If the limit is reached, the link is blocked for all.
If you want to reset the counter of a Directlink, you can do this either for all links at once or for single users. In the context menu of the Directlink in the sidebar you can reset all views at once, in the admin view of the Directlink you can reset the counter for individual invitees.
Published at: January 13, 2022 09:00 AM
Video sharing with a limite...