ARRI Webgate Dailies for Script Supervisors

ARRI Webgate goes on set. We introduce the new interface between ARRI Webgate and the script supervisor app LockitScript. To check the continuity the script supervisor had to rely on his notes and photos so far. We have now developed the logical consequence - the connection between the dailies from ARRI Webgate and the iPad App LockitScript. The control of already shot material to avoid continuity errors becomes a breeze.

Ilka Riethus, Script Supervisor of the German TV series "Hubert und Staller" has tested the new feature for us for the first time:

"It is often like this: You shoot scene 2 today, but the directly following scene 3 - two weeks later. A tool with which I can quickly check the image to avoid continuity errors is extremely valuable. The combination of LockitScript and ARRI Webgate makes me independent - I don’t always have to go to the DIT or material assistant if I need a playback."

Ilka especially appreciates the ability to quickly and easily find the right clip.

"This is not just an endless clip list that I have to scroll through and search. With the metadata captured in LockitScript, I can directly search for Episode 3, Scene 3, Shot 4, and Take 1 - and there's the clip. "

Conversely, all information captured in LockitScript can be imported as an ALE file into ARRI Webgate. To use the convenient functionality it is sufficient to book ARRI Webgate and to buy LockitScript in the App Store. There are no additional costs.

Published at: April 06, 2018 07:00 AM

ARRI Webgate Dailies for Sc...

Warning about phishing mails

Currently fake Webgate emails are in circulation with the aim of obtaining your login data via fake Webgate sites. These mails contain the request to log in to Webgate – allegedly accounts would be marked as inactive and deleted without logging on.

These emails are fakes (so-called phishing emails) and were not sent by us. Please do not click the link! Please delete the email and do not share personal information.

If you have received such an email and have already disclosed your credentials, please reset your password as soon as possible and contact the Webgate Support at

This is how you can protect yourself:
In case of doubt always check the sender address of emails. Webgate emails are only sent from and Please always check the domain name in the address bar of your browser. Webgate can only be reached via the domain

Media Film Services services like the Webgate and our mail system were not successfully attacked. In addition to our own efforts we have regular checks and certifications carried out by well known external service providers for the security of your data.

Published at: January 24, 2018 03:00 PM

Warning about phishing mails

"In the fade" wins Golden Globe

We congratulate the whole team of "In the fade" for the Golden Globe Award for the best motion picture - foreign language. The main actress Diane Kruger was already awarded last year at the Cannes Film Festival as the best actress.

ARRI Webgate was the platform of choice for "In the fade" to deliver secure screener links with burnt in watermarks .

Published at: January 17, 2018 04:00 PM

"In the fade" wins Golden G...

Advanced Clip Functions

Did you know that within a playlist you can also select individual clips for advanced functions? Simply check the desired videos in a playlist and all possible actions appear above the thumbnails.

Would you like to select clips and save them in a new playlist or add them to an existing playlist? No problem! Simply select the desired clips in the timeline and choose one of the options "Create playlist for clips" or"Add clips to playlist". Of course, you can also delete or download your clip selection.

Uploading new videos is also supported within playlists. In the upper right corner of the ARRI Webgate Player you find the option "Add Clip".

Published at: January 04, 2018 11:00 PM

Advanced Clip Functions

Improved preview for galleries and playlists in the file manager

In which playlist is the clip with the establisher shot over Berlin and in which gallery is that certain photo with the main actress? Find content faster with the new preview feature!

Get an overview of clips inside a playlist directly in the file manager. To do so playlists don't have to be opened. By hovering your mouse over the thumbnails of playlists preview pictures of all included clips will be displayed. It's the same with galleries. All images inside a gallery can now be previewed out of the browser view.

The preview function can be found here:
- Browser Thumb-View on galleries and playlists
- Browser carousel
- More playlists display in the Playlists-View

Published at: December 19, 2017 03:00 PM

Improved preview for galler...

DARK celebrates premiere at Zoo Palast Berlin

On Monday November 20th 2017 Netflix´s first German original series DARK celebrated its Germany premiere with more than 1000 viewers at the Zoo Palast Berlin. The mystery series by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, produced by Wiedemann & Berg Film und TV, was post-produced by ARRI Media and previously shot with the camera system ALEXA 65 and ultra-prime-lenses by ARRI Rental EU. DARK will be launched simultaneously on 1 December 2017 in 190 countries. ARRI Webgate was used during the shoot as dailies platform as well as during the whole postproduction for approvals and file exchanges. We are very happy that we could be part of the production.

Sven Nuri, Postproduction Supervisor DARK: "ARRI Webgate has become a really powerful tool. Without it, we could not have met all challenges on time.“

Published at: November 28, 2017 11:00 PM

DARK celebrates premiere at...

ALE meets ARRI Webgate: The new import function

Now transfer metadata into ARRI Webgate with Avid Log Exchange files (ALE's) and show circle take information in the timeline.

Key information such as Scene, Slate, Take, Episode, Reel, Shoot Date, Shoot Day and Circle Take are immediately available. For a quick overview the Scene- and Take information is displayed in the thumbnails of the shots in ARRI Webgate.

New: From now on the Circle Takes are tagged in the timeline.

Metadata not only helps you in ARRI Webgate but also unlocks many handy features in our upcoming Dailies Player App for iOS. Check back soon in the ARRI Webgate blog to inform you about upcoming metadata updates. We have a few more surprises for you in the pipeline. For more detailed information about the ALE handling please visit our FAQs.

Published at: November 22, 2017 09:00 AM

ALE meets ARRI Webgate: The...

The new subscribe function is here

Never miss anything in your ARRI Webgate project with the new Subscribe feature. You can now subscribe to Rooms, Folders, Playlists and Galleries and be notified of updates.

Has someone created a playlist, added clips or uploaded files? Have new comments been posted on videos or galleries ? The bell icon informs you about all updates of your subscriptions. Collaboration has never been so easy.

For further information take a look at our notications page

Have fun working with ARRI Webgate!

Published at: November 13, 2017 11:00 PM

The new subscribe function ...

Bulk download of files

In addition to the ZIP download, there is now also the possibility to download files directly from the ARRI Webgate. Especially when downloading large amounts of data such as MXF files for the editorial room, this can be an advantage and greatly accelerate the workflow. With the latest browser versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox, the current website can even be left and the download continues in the background.

Published at: October 09, 2017 08:00 AM

Bulk download of files

Sort Comments in Playlists and Galleries

Which comments did the director leave? Which comment was last written to a clip? The new comment sort-function gives you a quick overview. You can sort by the newest and oldest clip-comment, by creator and if you want to see all comments chronologically by timecode. Use the arrow keys to jump from one comment to the next.

The filter function can also be used to hide comments. You can filter by content, username, date or frame. And conveniently, with a clip transition in the Playlist, the comment bar automatically slides to the current comment. ARRI Webgate, the Video Cloud-platform, ideal for feedback processes.

For further information take a look at our 'Comment' functions for cuts and layouts.

Published at: October 03, 2017 10:00 PM

Sort Comments in Playlists ...